Ixchel Tonāntzin Xōchitlzihuatl

Founder and Peace Consciousness Strategist

Ixchel (mixed indigenous, primarily Uto-Aztecan/ Uto-Nahuatl) and mixed race, is an artist and peace strategist building peaceful, sustainable, and cosmically harmonious multiverses across the time-space continuum. Their desire is to create, access and transport people to timelines where all beings are free, happy and healthy.

Her practices incorporate strategies of shapeshifting, indigenous arts-based research, cultural reclamation, consciousness mapping, time travel, intergalactic teleportation, and community based design. 

Ixchel trains, collaborates and has studied with indigenous communities throughout the Abayala (Maiza/ the Americas) including the Kichwa in the upper Ecuadorian Amazon (linage of the Gualinga family), the Maya Kiche (lineage of Paula Yus), and the Wixrarika and Uto-Aztecans (linage of Marakame Silvestre Carrillo).

Ixchel is trained in somatics (Somatica, Hakomi), mindfulness (Kopan Monastery), visual art (MFA Columbia University), and community-based research (EdM Harvard with electives at MIT Media Lab). 

As a writer their work has been published by the Smithsonian Magazine, Nonprofit Quarterly, Shelterforce, Grantmakers in the Arts and Gulf Coast Art (forthcoming). They have guest lectured at Schumacher College, been a guest artist at Greensboro College and taught as adjunct faculty at the College of New Jersey.

Their peacebuilding and land rematriation projects were awarded a Soros Fellowship of Land, Art and Memory (2023/ 2024).

As part of Las Imaginistas they received awards from ArtPlace America, Blade of Grass, and the Rockefeller Foundation. Ixchel also spent 7 years working in Brownsville, Texas to address migrant living conditions and community development challenges in the region.